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Writer's pictureElsye Jones

5 Ways to Boost Creativity

If you're in the creative field like me, you'll find yourself often hitting a stopping point. You're tired, busy, or just plain bored, and you lack that creative spark. Especially if you are in school, where you're expected to have new ideas 24/7, it's essential to have a constant flow of creativity. But I get's hard! So throughout my years I've discovered several different ways to expand your creative thinking and find new ideas. Here are my top 5 favorites!

1. Travel

If you have the chance to travel out of state or internationally, take it! Many schools have study abroad programs and scholarship options, you just have to do your research.

If you don't have the means to travel somewhere far, no worries. I live in one of the most boring areas on earth, but there is so much to do within a several hour drive! Check out some of the larger cities in your area, and ask a friend who's been there if there's any local spots to check out. A long weekend trip can be fairly cheap if you do your research.

I personally think traveling is one of the most beneficial ways to gain a different point of view. When you visit a new place, even if it's somewhere small, you see different cultures and aspects of life that you may have never known about. Meeting new people and exploring new sights will give you a whole new look at life.

2. Visit A Museum

Wherever you live, there's more than likely a museum near you. Whether it's a history, science, or art museum, you're going to be inspired! Most museums have monthly or seasonal exhibits, so it's worth checking out. I recently saw the D-Cyphered photography exhibit by Jenny Risher at the Detroit Institute of Art, and it inspired me so much!

If you don't have a museum near you, check out your school's art/theatre program...ours has a gallery filled with student work that is always changing.

3. Talk To A Friend

Every few weeks or so I get coffee or dinner with one of my wonderful friends I studied abroad with. We are in completely different areas of study, but often enjoy the same hobbies and interests. Hearing about her life and talking through my ideas with her not only calms me, but allows me to get different ideas on what I want to do next!

Hanging out with someone you don't see daily can really give you a different perspective, especially if you change locations each time. So grab a cup of coffee, take a walk in the park, or visit their never know what could inspire you next!

4. Read A Book

I feel my generation often forgets that books exist...we're always so wrapped up in textbooks, our computers, and our phones, we rarely have the thought to pick up a book. Find a novel or a self-help book that can be a quick weekend read. I'm currently in the middle of Ask Gary Vee, and it's so inspiring! Although I'm not an entrepreneur, his advice can be applied to all aspects of life. So pick up something that interests you, and read it cover-to-cover.

5. Meditate

Meditation doesn't have to be sitting quietly in a field of can do it anywhere and you can make it fit your needs. In my opinion, meditation is just calmly allowing yourself to be with your thoughts, visualizing your goals, and assessing your current problems. I meditate while doing a calm/basic activity, such as showering, listening to music, going for a drive, or designing a project.

Gather your thoughts, visualize yourself achieving your goals, and're meditating!

In conclusion, creativity comes and goes, but hopefully these techniques will push your creative mindset past it's usual boundaries.



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